With the general increase in obesity rates, modulating the appetite through one’s own diet can be a great ally for weight loss and an alternative to the use of medications.
Some foods generate a feeling of prolonged satiety and thus favor the control of appetite.
“Generally, fibers and grains, if used properly, can help moderate appetite,” says Denise Boia, a nutritionist at the Morbid Obesity Treatment Center at Badim Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Here is a list of three types of foods that can help you with the feeling of fullness and weight loss, that we elaborate with the help of nutrition experts.
1. Fibers and grains
Fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains such as oats, flaxseed, chia and sesame are rich in soluble fibers and help to modulate the appetite.
“In contact with water soluble fibers increase their gastric volume and give a feeling of fullness,” explains nutritionist Taina Gaspar, who works in food re-education.
Other alternatives are lettuce or watercress leaves and cereals in general (brown rice, oats, rye, barley, millet, corn, quinoa, buckwheat), fruits of oil plants (Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds), seeds (chia, linseed, sunflower) and dried fruits (apricots, dates and raisins), says Boia.
“These foods, in addition to being a source of fiber, are rich in tryptophan, which is an amino acid that participates in the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that relaxes mood and sleep,” explains Boia.
They also have good concentrations of magnesium, chromium, selenium and B vitamins. “These nutrients participate in chemical reactions that are vital for the body, as well as improving the body’s defenses,” he says.
To increase the sensation of satiety, the fibers can be included in all the meals of the day, as well as in the refreshments, the nutritionists recommend.
In addition, foods rich in fibers require exhausting chewing and remain longer in the stomach. “Thus, they inhibit the production of Ghrelin, which is a hormone that is produced when the stomach is empty and generates the sensation of hunger,” says Boia.
2. Proteins and unsaturated fats
Both proteins and unsaturated fats delay gastric emptying, that is, the exit of food into the intestine, thus prolonging the feeling of satiety for longer after meals, explains Gaspar.
Among the most protein foods are legumes, such as beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas and soybeans, as well as meats, eggs and dairy products.
Among the foods rich in unsaturated fats are avocados, Brazil nuts and other leguminous seeds, olive oil and other vegetable oils.
This type of fat, which is found mainly in vegetables, can also have a positive effect on the body, helping the body to fight bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and control blood pressure, in addition to helping control appetite.
Used sparingly, these foods can have health and wellness benefits, including weight loss, says Gaspar. “Also when these nutrients reach the intestine, the release of a hormone called cholecystokinin, which also plays a role in the generation of satiety.”
3. Thermogenic foods
In addition to choosing foods that help control appetite you can choose ingredients that favor a thermogenic action in the body; that is, they increase body temperature and accelerate the basal metabolism for the production of energy.
“So the fat cells burn to produce energy,” explains Boia.
In general, foods that have this characteristic are condiments, as detailed below by the specialist:
• Red pepper or chili: has the substance called capsaicin, which helps accelerate the burning of fat.
• Cinnamon: acts as a natural hypoglycemic, which helps to burn fat by leveling the glycemia, that is, the amount of glucose contained in the blood.
• Turmeric: works as a natural antioxidant.
• Ginger: besides accelerating fat burning it has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in cases of obesity.
“Obesity is a chronic and progressive disease that generates inflammation in different tissues of the body, including the liver and pancreas, key organs of our metabolism,” explains Boia.