Whether you’ve got a new crush in your life, have a perfect chance to try biker dating with a dreamy petrolhead, or are trying to entice old feelings of love and affection in your ex, we’ve got just the thing you need. Below are our top 20 tips for girls hoping to make guys fall head over heels in love with them, and if you follow them there is absolutely no way your crush or ex could ever be left feeling indifferent.
20 Ways on How to Make a Man Fall in Love With You
#1: Give Him a Cute Nickname
Giving him a cute nickname or a nickname only you would use will make him feel special. Although you might feel like you’re sending a love text message too early, you’re not necessarily throwing yourself at his feet if you do this. What you are doing without a doubt is making your way into his head and under his skin!
#2: Say (or Type) His Name
In addition to the nickname, don’t forget to address him by his real name. This is as sexy to men as touching them in passing or teasing them with suggestive texts in the middle of the night.
#3: Tease Him Every Chance You Get
Men love to be teased in every way, and you should absolutely take advantage of this fact. Without going overboard, make fun of his favorite music genre or the way he tries to describe an embarrassing situation, and let him know he’s in your thoughts by sending cheeky messages, such as ‘Ugh, get out of my head, I’m busy’!
#4: Then Disappear for a Bit
Go offline for a few days, don’t post anything on social media, don’t text him, and don’t reply if he texts you. Don’t fall off the face of the earth, but do disappear to remind him how much he actually loves chatting with you, especially if he’s not a new guy in your life, and your mission is to actually get your ex back !
#5: Ask Him for Help
A damsel in distress might sound cliché, but it still does the job. You’ve locked yourself out of your apartment? Text him and ask if he knows a good locksmith who can come on short notice. You’ve got a flat tire? Send him a photo of what happened with a cute caption politely asking for his assistance.
#6: Maintain Eye Contact
Looking someone straight in the eye not only shows your self-confidence, which is the single sexiest trait a woman can possess but also arouses the tender feelings of love and affection in the other person. Behavioral scientists say this is because that’s what couples in love do, so make sure you try it when you see him!
#7: Don’t Forget to Laugh
Sure, laughing out loud when you’re hanging out with someone is more effective than a hundred ‘LOLs’ or emoticons rolling on the floor with laughter, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid taking every opportunity to ‘laugh’ when texting him. Showing that you enjoy his sense of humor makes him feel confident, which in turn makes him feel sexy – and it was you who provoked that feeling!
#8: Be a Good Friend
You can tease him, play hard to get, and act all fragile, which will definitely make him think about you, but if you want someone to care for you deeply, don’t forget to be a good friend and a good person regardless of who’s watching.
#9: Love Yourself
Think of yourself as the number one prize and appreciate all the good things you have to offer. Without being arrogant or sounding ungrateful, don’t forget to mention how happy you are with your life.
#10: Compliment Him
Don’t kiss his a**, but don’t forget to compliment him either when he deserves it. Just remember how great you feel when someone tells you how nice your hat is or how good you look in that coat. By doing this, you’ll make him feel good about himself, and pretty soon he’ll realize he wants more of that feeling.
#11: Let Your True Self Shine
Don’t try to be someone you think he’d like, don’t dumb down your intellect, and definitely don’t pretend you’re something you’re not. This goes both for a new romantic interest and contacting your ex in the hopes of rekindling the flame. Let your bubbly personality, off-the-charts IQ or your inner control freak show their true colors because the right guy will love you exactly for who you are!
#12: Let Him Know You’re Thinking of Him
Again, without trying to suck up to him in any way and while still trying to retain a sense of mystery and mischievousness about you, send him a cute ping every once in a while to let him know you’re thinking of him. It’ll put a smile on his face for sure!
#13: Show Interest in What He Likes
So what if he likes hip-hop and you’re a rock guitar kind of girl? Sure, you can tease him about it a little, but showing interest in what he likes shows that you’re supportive and a good friend who knows how to listen.
#14: Let Him Make You Laugh
Girls fall in love with guys who make them laugh, but science claims that guys fall in love with girls who laugh at their jokes. Your texts will make him feel comfortable if you follow our tips, and once he’s comfortable, he’ll let go a little and start to make jokes. Make sure you laugh to encourage him!
#15: Stimulate Intellectual Conversation
In addition to self-confidence, men love intelligent women with opinions. It’s an utter lie that men don’t dig this! Find topics that you both like, and don’t be afraid to express an opposing opinion!
#16: Maintain a Positive Attitude
Don’t be afraid to speak your mind when you’re pissed, at a wit’s end or when things aren’t going your way, but remember that nobody likes a Debbie Downer. Men like cheerful girls with funny dispositions who are full of life, and always look on the bright side, and your attitude must convey this to keep him interested.
#17: Flirt
When done right, there is nothing wrong with flirting! He’ll love the attention and will keep coming back for more of that good feeling you seem to arouse deep in his gut. What do we call that? A crush! On you!
#18: Be Bold and Different
Show him you’re different than other girls in all the right ways, especially if you both dated other people since the breakup. If he’s a new crush, show him you don’t care much for trends, and always stay firmly on the ground with both feet. Show your independent side, yet stay sweet because he’ll like that. Don’t gossip, try to tame down your wild side or always talk about the same old.
#19: Be Witty
Show him your witty side, especially via texts because that’s easier since you can’t really get tongue-tied, right? Everybody has a sense of charisma to them, a little bit of an edge, and a sense of humor, and you should take every opportunity to show yours!
#20: The Art of Patience
When you fall hard for someone, it’s understandable to feel vulnerable as you wait for him to catch up with you. However, don’t forget to pace yourself as you try to make him fall for you because love takes time. And if it doesn’t happen at all or your ex seems to be lost forever, don’t blame yourself because that simply means it wasn’t meant to be.
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