How to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You Fast

Using the Law Of Attraction successfully is a matter of choice. This means you are either choosing to create and sustain supportive habits that lead to your success or you are choosing not to.

If you aren’t mastering new habits and applying what you know you are living from your old habits.

How to make the law of attraction work instantly

If you want something different and better, step up and make it happen.

Do new, different, positive things. Apply basic practices daily. These basics are affirmations; reading inspiring material; meditating; visualizing; journaling and more.

Whatever practices you choose, do them regularly and continuously.

Make mastering these habits an obsession. Focus your energy on being the best you, you can be. That’s what an Olympic champion does.

The champion doesn’t dabble, whine or make excuses. The champion trains mentally, physically, and emotionally every day. Why should you expect to do any less?


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Notice what you just thought, or said to yourself, when you read those last sentences. What you just said to yourself is your answer to that question. What you think reveals who you are.

Whatever you think it will be, it will be. If you think it will be hard you’ll be right. If you think it easy, you’ll be right. Your beliefs and expectations shape your results.

If you want to be a champion decide to become a champion. Think as a champion does and you’ll feel and behave as a champion.

Master these basic principles and practices. Then, you’ll readily create and attract what you want.

It gets easier, and faster as you do. Just as a champion trains you train yourself. If you work it, you will get it to work.

If you don’t, there’s not much that’ll help you. It’s a matter of choice.

Commit to mastering the basics, then, you’ll have positive, powerful supportive new habits that help you make things happen and attract what you want.

Decide your word is the law. Whatever you declare or command is what will be.

Keep your word and your promises to others and yourself. Never say anything that’s self-defeating or negative.

Whatever you declare it to be, it will be. It’s what you say it is. Your thoughts shape your reality.

Reactions are knee jerk and come from your previous, haphazard, less than glorious, negative conditioning while growing up.

Your reactions determine your limitations. To be able to respond differently is to discover you have choice to think, feel and behave differently. You learn to respond. You were conditioned to react.

Your responses free you. The ability to respond arises from recognizing you have choice. It requires that you notice your tendency to instantly react from conditioning.

While different things get you angry you really only get angry pretty much the same way each time. This is true of all our emotions.

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We have a physical sequence of neuro-electro-chemical actions and transitions that lead us into the emotional and physical states we feel and become aware of.

If you notice the beginning of the sequence and re-direct it, then, you control it, instead of it controlling you.

As soon as you begin to get angry, notice it. Catch it and change it.

Right as you start to get angry STOP and take some deep breathes.
Count up to 1000.
STOP and walk it off.
Jump up and down.
Do something silly.

Create space between what you’d have automatically done and what you now choose to do differently.

Create a pause.

When you do you make room for yourself to change. The same is true with any habitual thought or behavior. Become conscious of it and deliberately attempt to get in front of it to change it.

Notice the sensations of irritation or frustration or sadness growing.

Where do you feel it in your body?
What is the first sensation you become aware of?
What do you say to yourself?
How do you say it?
What do you see as you begin to get angry?

As you notice these sensations, pictures, sounds, words, and feelings AND re-direct them, you gain control over them. You alter them. You stop them from being a problem.

You create a break, interrupt the pattern, and direct the energy in a more useful way.

Do this and you’ll learn you have choices you didn’t know you have.

Be the champion and begin to exercise your power and awareness to choose.

We create our reality and describe it. We author our scripts and stories. We speak them to others and ourselves.

Want it different? Speak it different! Act differently.

Do anything besides what you would have done before. If you always do what you always did you always get what you always got.

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If you want your life to change you must change some things you are doing. When you ‘catch yourself’ and direct the energy differently, you are initiating change and beginning to create new patterns or habits.

To make it a habit you need to repeat if for long enough as described earlier. It takes a while to impress upon your subconscious that you are doing things differently now.

Similarly, it takes a while for the Chinese Bamboo to become visible. Once planted, it is watered and nurtured for up to 6 years.

The plant remains underground with no evidence of growth. In the 7th year the plant sprouts and grows 90 feet within 6 weeks.

Can you imagine?

You notice nothing all that while, suddenly boom, 90 feet!

It’s growing underground the entire time. The same applies to making changes and new habits.

You may not notice anything for a while. That’s okay. It is part of the process. Don’t be discouraged. Stick with it.

Another thing that happens is it’s likely you’ll resist some of the process and progress you make.

You may find it uncomfortable, or you get frustrated.

That too is part of the process. Because you are used to doing things the only way you have known to do things, your brain attempts to keep you the same.

Become aware of this and commit to keep going.

Change is happening even when you are discouraged, frustrated or aren’t aware of any difference.

When these feelings arise notice them and re-direct. This is how you begin to gain control and mastery over the process.

Remember, create some space, through awareness to think, feel, speak and act in new and different and more productive ways.

Repeat this correctly and consistently until it becomes a habit.

Do it in the face of resistance and difficulty and you’ll transform the resistance.

You’ll transform yourself into one who can more easily move ahead.


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Inside you, you already are all possibilities.

Don’t short change yourself, just because you may have in the past.

Choose to be the person you’d like to become.

If you don’t like what you are doing, do something else. Do anything else. Become positive and practice it.

When you master these basics you’ll be able to manifest marvelously and get incredible results.

Believe you can and you’ll become a champion using the Law of Attraction.


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